Dumpster rentals are the preferred option for residential and commercial projects, especially when homeowners or contractors do not want or need a permanent dumpster at their premises. The cost of dumpster rentals, however, depends on several factors. Bargain Bins outlines these for your information.

What is the cost of renting a dumpster?

Dumpsters rented from Bargain Bins are available in a variety of sizes and weight capacities. We have residential and commercial rental dumpsters in 4 sizes: 3 yard Clutter Buster bin, 12 yard bin, 15 yard bin and 20 yard bin. 

3 yard bin

The dimensions of this rental dumpster bin are 6’L x 3.5’W x 4’H and can hold approximately 1 pick-up truck load. It is available for rent for $140 for up to 7 days. 

12 yard dumpster

Our next rental dumpster can hold up to 6 pick-up truck loads and comes in a dimension of 12’L x 8’W x 4’9”H. You can rent it for up to 7 days for $230. 

15 yard dumpster

Suitable for larger waste removal projects, this dumpster rental can hold and transport approximately 7.5 pick-up truck loads and is available for $255. 

20 yard dumpster

This is the biggest rental dumpster from Bargain Bins as it can hold 10 pick-up truck loads with a dimension of 12’L x 8’W x 6’11”H. You can rent this dumpster for $295 for 7 days. 

Additional charges when renting a dumpster?

Bargain Bins conveniently offers fixed pricing based on the dumpster sizes indicated above. Other rental companies might add additional fees including administrative fees, a fuel surcharge and more. Thus, it is recommended to read between the lines and request an itemized quote before choosing a rental service company.

Next, consult your local zoning authority to determine if you need a permit to rent and place a dumpster on your premises. In Colorado Springs, permits are required to place a dumpster in the street. If you are required to get a permit, you or your contractor will need to apply for one and pay the corresponding fees. Before renting a dumpster, analyze your needs and determine how long you will want the dumpster on your property. Exceeding the number of days as per the contract can add to your overall bill.

What is the difference between flat-rate and variable pricing?

Flat-rate pricing

Bargain Bins offers its customers convenient flat-rate pricing, which includes the delivery, rental period, pickup, disposal fees and any taxes that may apply. Each dumpster size includes a set weight limit (Clutter Buster – 1000lbs, 12 yards – 3000lbs, 15 yards – 4000lbs and 20 yards – 5000lbs) into this fee. Since the dumpster bin needs to be covered for transportation, be sure not to fill it past the fill line or exceed the weight limits. 

Variable-rate pricing

Dumpster rental companies that offer variable pricing can charge additional fees such as rental period, weight, or other landfill charges. The downside to this type of pricing is that you may not know how much you have to pay until the dumpster is hauled away and waste is deposited at the landfill. This brings a lot of guesswork into the process.

For more information on dumpster rental pricing, contact Bargain Bins today!