Choosing the right dumpster size is not an exact science. It is difficult to suggest a size without seeing the debris, but hopefully, this blog makes the decision easier. Find out about the dumpster size you should be using below.

What size container should I use?

There are different roll-off dumpster sizes. Knowing dumpster dimensions will help you to determine which is the right dumpster size for your project at hand. Roll-off dumpster sizes from Bargain Bins come in 12, 15, and 20 cubic yard roll-off dumpsters. How do you choose a size for your project? To estimate the size of dumpsters you’ll need, you need to estimate the volume and weight of your debris. Depending on the debris you have, this can be quite challenging. Some junk items such as construction waste are quite large or bulky to measure by hand alone. Here’s an estimate of what can fit in a variety of size dumpsters:

  • 12-yard dumpster: These are smaller dumpsters that may be appropriate for smaller residential items. The residential dumpster sizes can be used for anything from 250 to 15,000 square feet of removal containing roof shingles, remodeling and demolition debris, and deck removal dirt. It holds a lighter weight so it’s best for those lighter volume items.
  • 15-yard dumpster: A 15-yard container is perfect for larger cleanup projects. It can hold up to 4,000 lbs. of material. Regular household and yard debris will not exceed this weight but if you add heavier items like dirt and concrete, you might see the bin get heavier quickly. These bins will be great for basement or garage cleanouts.
  • 20-yard dumpster: These larger dumpsters are ideal for a complete residential cleanout such as cleanouts needed after a large remodeling project or construction. It is also popular for demolition cleanouts. The dumpster can hold up to 5,000 lbs. of debris and you can fit a lot of material in one bin.

Choosing a dumpster that is too small can be an expensive mistake

The sizes of dumpsters matter. You cannot shove a lot of items in a small 12-yard dumpster because you will get charged if you go over the capacity limit. You might find yourself also having to rent additional dumpsters if you choose a size too small. In the end, this leads to more costs for you as more labor and time will be needed to pick up and drop off the dumpster. Sometimes it is actually less expensive to choose a large container that can fit all of your dumpster items than to choose 10 smaller bins.

Apart from having to charge extra if you overfill bins, you might risk items spilling over from the top. You will risk injury to the company’s staff who is hauling off the dirt. Items might fall over during transportation which can cause accidents on roads. You’ll find that professional dumpster rental companies like Bargain Bins do not drive off if debris is not leveled off and we charge for overfilled dumpsters as this is a safety hazard for our staff and the community. In addition, you would be required to remove items from the dumpster before we can load it to haul away. 

Recommending the right size

Choosing the right dumpster size can be very overwhelming. To play it safe, always choose a size that is slightly bigger than what you think you need. If you have trouble deciding on the size, it’s best to ask the experts who can view the items you have and predict a size that is best for you. Even if they cannot see the debris you have, they can advise you based on their experience of hauling out items.

If you need assistance with choosing the right dumpster size, give our team of experts a call and we’ll do our best to help you out!